Guaranteed quality
With different certificates, Green Specialties guarantees the quality and sustainability of her products and processes. Even more important than all of these certificates, is the fact that Green Specialties and grower Adrie van den Einden connect their name to the vegetables. More than 100 years of craftsmanship and real involvement with the plots, the vegetables and the customer, are being connected to the product you buy in this way. That says a lot.
Green Specialties grows her vegetables according to Milieukeur standards. Every year, these standards become more ambitious, so Green Specialties ensures to remain within the prescribed norms. Those standards do not only cover the way we handle our ground and cultivation. Also water and energy consumption are on the list. Green Specialties will and can also excel in that area.
All packages Green Specialties delivers can be provided of different labels and label texts which are relevant. First, retailers namely used labels on a defensive way. Now it happens more and more from a marketing perspective. In this case, it is associated with the printing of the name and the story of the grower. This makes it possible for retailers to make the label Milieukeur more transparent and personal. That is what the consumer of today is looking for.
The lettuces from Green Specialties itself are coming from the area of Lierop from the beginning of May to half October. Outside the season, the lettuces are being imported from South-Europe. Also our most important suppliers are Planet Proof certified. That ensures you that the wintery lettuce is also grown sustainably in the open field. Green Specialties is fully committed to that.